It is a good way to explain it.
Here you see the codes/laws making the "curtain" of illusionary reality "looking real".
When things are getting clearer, you can feel the end of the game. You can see the curtain, you can see through it, you can see behind it. It happens in several steps.
At first you see there is a "curtain" like a reality put in front of your eyes, but you know it's not truth, but you don't understand it.
Then, you begin to understand the nature of the curtain, you see the laws making the world to be created, and working properly, how the world of illusion auto sustain it self, in order to be stable, and to exist.
Then, you begin to see the truth behind the curtain, where it is leading to, in a word : the Source behind the curtain ! You begin to see the Creator everywhere via the Creation, there is here a big respect for all life, and a universal understanding taking place in your head and heart.
After that you begin to grasp a special concept in your gut : everything created/the curtain, comes from ONE, then, I'm in the curtain, and then I'm ONE with the Source because the curtain comes from the Source, I am the Source. I'm everywhere !
Then it's time to get rid of your own personal piece of curtain. You have to go beyond the world of creation to go back into the Source. At first, you go there in Spirit, after some time, then, you disappear into Light when your body is tuned with the Source.
This is the real Apocalypse, when the whole creation is uncreated and go back into the Glory of God.
At first you see there is a "curtain" like a reality put in front of your eyes, but you know it's not truth, but you don't understand it.
Then, you begin to understand the nature of the curtain, you see the laws making the world to be created, and working properly, how the world of illusion auto sustain it self, in order to be stable, and to exist.
Then, you begin to see the truth behind the curtain, where it is leading to, in a word : the Source behind the curtain ! You begin to see the Creator everywhere via the Creation, there is here a big respect for all life, and a universal understanding taking place in your head and heart.
After that you begin to grasp a special concept in your gut : everything created/the curtain, comes from ONE, then, I'm in the curtain, and then I'm ONE with the Source because the curtain comes from the Source, I am the Source. I'm everywhere !
Then it's time to get rid of your own personal piece of curtain. You have to go beyond the world of creation to go back into the Source. At first, you go there in Spirit, after some time, then, you disappear into Light when your body is tuned with the Source.
This is the real Apocalypse, when the whole creation is uncreated and go back into the Glory of God.
Here is another way to symbolise it, here, you go beyond the curtain. The veil that makes you think the world is cut from Life/God.
This is a discovery of Perfection ! This creation can seems messy. But it is so perfect in fact ! When you see it, you are really deeply amazed, deeply touched inside. And you are part of this Creation, of this perfection. It is indeed, made alike God, since it is the Body of God ! And you feel so ... little. There is after that a deep deep respect, joy and love for God, and everything (since it is seen as God).
For the moment, I'm integrating the laws of the "curtain" (after having found them) and seeing the Source in it and through it. Analysis and study of Nature via the Hermetism is the path I walk. All Philosophers/Alchemists said to study Nature, and they were right, but not in a materialistic sense, not like a scientific mind !
But when you don't actually live this, it is not really real. But, belief makes you able to live this. Believing before seeing. When you see, you can lead people to see if they are able to. And then they can believe. It is irrefutable proof.
I feel my contact with God now, I really feel it because it cannot be otherwise.
Before it was just a belief. Something I was taught.
Now it is "real".
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