February 03, 2017


The approach of Alchemy by reading is not as easy that one can imagine - not even easier than the Lab work. Note that I don't speak only about the informationals & historical texts, that we can so much tumble upon, but rather alchemical corpus, presenting, even for those who are used to it, a first contact hard to penetrate, dense, abstruse. 

Our mind in a first time can "go throught" the text and access directly to the mind of the author. We understand the meaning profoundly. The message is clear, direct, simple to understand (for us). There is no effrot to furnish. We percieve also the incoherent addings in old texts that have been modified, rewrote or revised, and also the voluntary errors (or not) of the author. The is a dimension in 3D here that happens. 

Our reading, as efficient it may be, stay in a first time a supercial knowledge, unless of course, to have an extraordinary memory. That's why it is necessary to re read the text, and, if possible, just after the first read, or a little bit after a moment of rest, integration and meditation. We can annotate the text, if we are not afraid to spoil the book, or write down important information in a notebook or on a reading sheet. The re reading then allows a more important synthesis of the proposed information, and an emphasis on reading levels that we may not have perceived at first sight. These levels of readings only open gradually, and require a time of integration of what is written. Layers after layers only, our mind opens then, and perceives better and better the depths of the texts. But it takes a certain time.

It is very important also to mark some pause in our reading, indeed, to stop in order to meditate on what we have just read, is interesting in order to let oneself being penetrated by the message, and let it "take" in our mind.

It is also sometimes necessary to have a draft paper in order to clarify the processes outlined in the so-called "practical" works.

This then makes it possible to put the steps of the process synthetically in a coherent and clear order, freefrom the  jumble and the weird alchemical language.

Sometimes several pages are summarized in points "A, B, C". Readable and clear, simple and concise. We have separated the subtle from the thick by careful and laborious reading.

A break is sometimes necessary in order to make an evolution of our knowledge to approach certain texts fully. We can not really understand or perceive all the information proposed by the author if we do not know his reference language (biblical, mythological ...), and this sometimes requires further research and reading.

Our elders, at least some of them, had a corpus of texts of reference. They fully integrated and practiced the content. This sometimes takes years for a single book.These ideas come from our Greek philosophers of antiquity who already practiced this. Select the best authors, stick to them, and fully integrate their thoughts, even if it is only one small book.

We can not afford to be in superficial knowledge only, and leave us to a bookish bulimia (which is better all the same than anorexia).
However, finding its author, finding its way, its style, this already requires, at first glance, to read, to purify and to clear the Alchemical corpus. This is no small matter. Note also that these "best authors" are not necessarily always those that one believes. And it does not necessarily have to rush but always remain circumspect and critical.

In short : 

- Find your references in books and practice them and apply the teachings.
- Make pauses for integration. 
- See if your mind can penetrate the text.
- Take notes and sum up the reading.
- Reread the text.
- Look at the different levels of reading.

Enjoy your books ! :)

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