November 19, 2024

Prayer, an integral experience and practice with the Bardonian system.

Prayer, an integral experience and practice with the Bardonian system.

By Salazius Hermès d'Artigné. 2021

Thanks to Virgil that asked for my contribution to this Book, a compendium of several authors (inclusing Mistele !). 

Here is a small extract of my text published HERE 

Also available on Amazon 

''My very first approach of real magic was by Franz Bardon, I've praticed it along Occidental ritual magic for years. I've been deeply tincted by his ideas and system, but before that I was "initiated" into the Catholic religion, where prayer is a fundamental pillar, and later I developped also a faith and practice into other religious and spiritual system, alike Hinduism, Bouddhism for example, where prayer is slightly different, but fundamentaly the same. I had by the time, a mutual enrichement between these spiritualities and Bardon's way. 

 I would like to present here a short version of my ideas and practices of prayers as a magical path by itself, inside the work of Franz Bardon, as a technical basis that include prayer as a whole system of the three Books of the Master as one practice. It is, for me, a fundamental concept, and I think prayer in this optic can help tremendously a beginner, or a more expert magician into his or her path. That type of prayer that I do create bonds with "Super natural forces", and develop mental, astral, body and spiritual capacities, as an integral training and practice that is easy to put into place when you are accustomed to Bardon's practices. 

 For example, after having a good session of prayers, I can make pore breating and collect into my hara or the concerned energy center the forces that are present. They will not vanish or return to their own place, instead I can keep them with me a moment, and digest them, let them do their work. I don't always do that, it really depends on my intent. If it is pure devotion, then I don't. If my prayers have a specific purpose for myself or my structure, then I can breath them.


The Rest in the Book.

About the Book : 

This book is a collection of texts on prayer written by a diverse array of practitioners of Franz Bardon's system of magic. The various texts discuss the theory behind how prayer works, practical techniques of prayer, what sorts of things Bardonists would do well to pray for, and what prayer even is in the first place. Given how spiritually beneficial prayer is, every prayer said is a step toward adepthood.

With the guidance in these texts, readers will be able to make their steps as large and swift as possible. After three years of being compiled and edited, this collection of texts is complete at last. The various writers and editors who contributed to this collection hope that it will help readers make the most use of one of the most powerful, versatile, and universal spiritual tools available to Bardonists.

177 pages. By ''The Franz Bardon Community". ‎Falcon Books Publishing Ltd (5 june 2024).

Dimensions ‎15.24 x 1.02 x 22.86 cm

ISBN-10 ‎1915827205

ISBN-13 ‎978-1915827203

Kindle available.

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