August 07, 2010

First Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet

Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.

I will try an analysis of this first image :

The symbols of Antimony and of Bismuth on the top.
Another symbol of bismuth is a "taurus" symbol, like this rock and crescent moon under it design.
A rod, perforate the rock, see the idea of the fountain and the Staff of Mose.
Note these three are in the "air".

On the right, a source coming out of the air, a spring, this is the Philosophical Mercury, it also seems to come from the conjunction of the sky and the earth, making a "black spot" from where it spring and go on the ground, in the ground via another hole, and out of the image.
Note the rising sun, under the moon.

A fire on the left, near a nail. The hammer is the power of the Fire. The top right side concerns WATERs, and the left top side, concerns FIREs.

An enormous symbol of venus hathed stars (mercury), and growing like a tree on a philosophic earth, surely nurturing itself from a philosophical sea, itself containg the Remora, this fish perforated of several arrows of martial/sunny (Sulfur) energy, it will be captured and surely put into the egg.

This part is not linear and is not a logical description of the process in my opinion. These are just peices of the Magnum Opus in disorder put together.

The symbol of niter and of the double mercury (maybe).

Crystals on the left side of the egg/venus symbol, can represent one of the multiple aspect of the fixation of the Spirit into the matter, on the other side, a cube, from where sprout something, directing to the double moon symbol.
I must admit that without the keys, it is very difficult to read something in this drawing.

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