August 07, 2010

Second Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet

Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.

I see here four elements. First, a Mercury, as the Sea/Bath, containing the Antimony and Mars symbols, under them, the Star, symbol of the gate of the Spirit and also used for Purity. It can symply designate the Sea itself or being another elements. We have something hidden behind this Star, something rectangular containing also a cross (maybe) on it.
These Mars/Antimony conjunction seems to mimic the shape of a boat, a logical thing since they float on a sea.

FAIRE (doing) or Fer in french, mean IRON, and the lowest inner part of the circle contains vertical lines, maybe meaning it is "masculine", horizontal lines are in the TAIRE (stay silent, make silent) or TERRE, (earth in french). This is a conjunction, a marriage of two polarities into one, this is the REBIS allegory.
Put the FAIRE TAIRE upside down and you can see Venus and Mars, this is more explicit in this sense.

Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.

Maybe the black moon crescent in the TAIRE indicates the next colour coming. I don't know what is this grey triangle in the FAIRE.

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