B. bis = twice; balneum, bath.
B.M. balneum Mariae = water-bath; b. maris, sea-water bath
Deus opt. max Deus optimus maximus = The best and greatest God.
F. Fiat
opt. optimus = best
q. p. quantum placet = as much you can put
q. s. quantum satis, quantum sufficit = as much as needed
q. v. quantum vis, quantum volueris = as much as you want
s. a. secundum artem = according to art
S. V. It seems to be Spiritus Vini.
This is a blog concerning the Hermetical Arts, such as Alchemia, Theurgia, Astrologia, which are the three Sciences composing the "Trivium Hermeticum". This is a very old Science, said to be created by Hermes Trismegist.
August 30, 2010
August 28, 2010
Transmutation : faire de l'acier
George ( Yikikazu ) OHSAWA
Transmutation of C + O => Fe
Article de : http://www.rexresearch.com/ohsawa/ohsawa.htm
Fabrication d'aciers spéciaux par transmutation à faible énergie
Classification: - international: C21C5/52; C21C5/00 - European: C21C5/52G
Application number: FR19640998735 19641214
Priority number(s): FR19640998735 19641214
Ceci nous donne une idée de la façon dont les éléments, lors de la Nuit des Temps, ont pû se combiner pour donner en partie naissance aux mondes.
It's an Art
Alchemy, is like cooking or painting or having any other skill, you need the knack, the inner intuition, the flame in the Heart, you have, or you don't have it, you can try and try, and achieve nothing without all this.
A person can really try to enlighten with Alchemy, believing firmly in this Science, but having no knack at all and understanding nothing that one tries to achieve, and even if one is keeping the tracks and trying to go on, I believe he should try another method. He is simply not made for that.
Alchemy is an Art; it means that you have your own way to make it, and I have my own different way to make it. Two painters, two sculptors, with the same colours, material, etc, will do two different thing.
Some say you need to have some Hermes in you. This Hermes makes the difference in all Hermetical Sciences. This Hermes is the link between you and Nature, and Nature's Secrets, Laws, Science.
August 16, 2010
Les jeux Hermétiques de l'enfance
Plusieurs de nos jeux traditionnels offrent, exactement comme les contes de notre enfance, un lien avec l'Hermétisme Alchimique.
Le jeu de la Marelle, représente une échelle, entre le ciel et la terre, avec 8 cases réparties entre les deux :
Voici la règle du jeu :
Démarrer à la case "terre". Lancer le caillou sur la première case. Sauter à cloche pied dans les cases sauf dans la case où est le caillou. On ne doit jamais marcher sur les traits ni poser les deux pieds sauf sur les doubles cases (4 et 5, 7 et 8). Puis ramasser le caillou et revenir au début.
C'est ensuite au tour de l'autre joueur. Quand revient son tour il faut lancer le caillou sur la case suivante… Pour réussir, il faut arriver à la case "ciel", le premier. Si le caillou arrive dans la case enfer (qui est sous la case du paradis), on passe son tour.
Cette échelle, nous la connaissons bien puisqu'elle est présente sur le fronton de Notre Dame de Paris, largement décrite dans Fulcanelli, et mise en valeur dans le Mutus Liber, dès la première Planche.
Evidement, on voit bien que ce jeu, est de nature hermetique. Le jeu de mot, entre Mérelle, représentation du Mercure Philosophique sous la forme de la Coquille de Saint Jaques de Gallice, et la Marelle est somme tout aisé à trouver.
Un autre jeu concernant le Mercure Philosophique est La clef de Saint-Georges :
Les règles du jeu :
Les enfants s’assoient en rond. L’un d’entre eux fait le tour en portant la « clef » à la main et en chantant « je porte, je porte, la clef de Saint Georges, quand j’aurai assez porté, je la laisserai tomber au pied d’un rocher… ne regardez pas le renard qui passe, mais regardez-le quand il est passé ohé fermez les p’tits pois. »
Pendant son tour, il dépose la clef discrètement derrière un de ses pairs. A la fin de la chanson, les enfants se retournent pour voir qui a la clé. Celui qui a la clef court pour rattraper l’enfant qui a déposé la clef derrière lui… Puis il prend sa place…
Une variante du texte est aussi bien explicite, puisqu'elle fait référence aux matelots, nautonniers de tout poils que sont les Alchimistes en quête de la Toison d'Or :
Je porte, je porte
La clé de St Georges
Quand j’aurais assez porté
Je la laisserai tomber
Au pied d’un rocher
Ne regardez pas le renard qui passe
Mais regardez le quand il est passé
Ohé matelot
Regardez derrière votre dos
Evidement, Saint Georges a terrassé le Dragon, et sa Clef, qu'est elle ? Il s'agit en fait de sa Croix Rouge, sur chamd de blanc, emblème repris comme drapeau de l'Angleterre, auquel a été ajouté une autre croix, et un fond bleu, mais la St George's Cross est celle ci :
Evidement, il n'y a alors qu'un pas pour dire que la Clef alchimique représentée par le travail de Saint georges sur le Dragon est expliquée dans la comptine que chante l'enfant durant le jeu.
Entre la représentation du Chevalier terrassant le Dragon, le symbolisme de l'emblème de Saint Georges et la signification de la comptine, nous avons de quoi méditer.
De même on a les jeux de 1, 2, 3, Soleil !, de Colin-Maillard variante du jeu de chat ou du Loup, évidement, tous ces jeux font référence à la Lumière, autant les uns que les autres.
August 14, 2010
Why Alchemy
Because of puffers, Alchemy lost her spiritual nature. It is now a "way to make gold", due to ignorance of people, this science is seen in contempt or only taken as a fool's science. A lot of searchers are drawn to it, just in order to make gold in order to make a living. It's, in this case, preferable to save in order to buy a gold mine...
We recently had a new vibration bearing spagyrics to the public, on internet, but the physical side/therapeutic is highlighted.
The energetics side is not yet really understood, nor the spiritual side.
Alchemy is a Science of Enlightenment of the spirit and of the bodies, until one goes into Light and disappear, burning all the Karma that make him dense and physically existent. One then live into the Sun.
The quest of Alchemy is the Universal Philosophical Stone, or, an enlightened matter in order enlighten the Alchemist.
Universal because it is made with a Universal Matter, Philosophical because it is made by following the Laws of Nature, and Stone, because this evolved product is at the end of the process, a stony matter.
Of course, one can develop "powers", wisdom, knowledge, physical health and wealth, and long life, but all these are only side products, that comes by addition.
This Stone, is a gate. Divine Light shines in it, and if one ingest it, he can thus makes one with It.
A repeated fusion fills the Alchemist with Divine Light until he becomes totally One with it, and then disappearing in it.
August 09, 2010
Genesis in Alchemical Engravings - Mutus Libet
We find in the first plate :
21.11.82. Neg:
93.82.72. Neg:
82.81.33. Tued:
gives :
Genesis 28: 11 and 12
Genesis 27: 28 and 39
Deuteronomy 33: 18 and 28
Genesis 28: 11 and 12
11 And he came to a certain place, and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep.
12 And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it!
Genesis 27: 28 and 39
28 May God give you of the dew of heaven, and of the fatness of the earth, and plenty of grain and wine.
39 Then Isaac his father answered him: "Behold, away from the fatness of the earth shall your dwelling be, and away from the dew of heaven on high.
Deuteronomy 33: 18 and 28
18 And of Zebulun he said, Rejoice, Zebulun, in thy going out; and, Issachar, in thy tents.
28 Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew.
Another translation here by Rawn Clark.
I let you meditate :)
Genesis in Alchemical engravings - St Didier
From the Hermetical Triomph, by Limojon de Saint-Didier, engraving found in an old german edition.
Genesis : 2.6
But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
Ninth Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
This is the last image to analyse. This one seems clear in many aspects. This is the separation of the Caput from the Corpus or Regulus, the Mercurius comes from the earth, and goes into the Caput (maybe this is the other sense).
Iron is clealy pointed. It seems fire is coming out of the earth also. In the background, there is a stright line, maybe a separation between the sky and the water.
The regulus is molded in this shape after the pouring in a special crucible.
(From the int site : les Amis de l'alchimie)
Eight Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
We are here after the Black Regimen, the Spiritus is callen and attracted by the Caput, this one is on the surface of the Bath.
We are told that Tartar and Niter (on the right and on the left top corners), are elements of this Spiritus, creating the acid and alcaline parts.
The bath contains a Fire, a Spirit and a Salt, represented by the flames, the bird and the cubic stone.
Seventh Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
All these images are details of the First picture.
This is in my opinion a picture of the chaotic stage (black background) of the Materia used in the Opus Magnum.
We see the mineral subject, containing the hidden quintaessencia (black 5 pointed star) and also source of the Water of the Sages.
On the left, the antimony symbol containing a little flake, maybe allegorical of the inner Spiritus, Niter, or Mercury it contains. On the left a sphere seemingly representing the Mercury in another form, from the mineral suject.
Sixth Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
The Hat is here the Caput Mortuum, still containing some black seed (it is grey and having a black ribbon).
10 seems to be the nomber of washing or imbibtions by the mercurial water (drops or Azoth), and Fire is also used (Ignis), in order to make a solve and coagula.
On the right we have a "key", the Caput in linked to Niter.
Under the Cap/ut, (Kaput in german mean dead, caput = head in latin), a black moon, saying that here the salt principle is impure. The fish/remora should be able to bear the Fire of the Salamander (see Cyrano of Bergerac, the Salamander is always defeated.
Fifth Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
If you remember the first picture, you can see that the ground is the same than in the top left side of the image. This is the same rocky ground, with some grass.
Here we have a big triangle commonly seen as a symbol of Fire, but i see it here more like a triplicity, wich is in fact contained in the Caput Mortuum, the Dead Head. This head is hidding a moon containing a black sun, the idication here is : the moon is pure, but the sun is dead and contained in it.
Fourth Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
We see here three levels. A black one, from where three arrows comes out (maybe by the multiplication of a same technique), a layered one, and a third one containing liggle flakes or stars.
If we look closely to the Star we can see that the Sun or Sulfur is in its center, because the star is on the top of the layered level - if we analyse this in an "antimony way" this layer is seen as the Bath or Antimony. The upper level shows the Flower of Antimony, its Mercurial part. It seems the Regulus is cold, because it is like mountains, flowers of antimony are also seen once it is cooling.
August 07, 2010
Third Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
This drawing seems less complicated in fact, all is in the details.
I recommend to read the paragraph on the Fountain of Vertbois in Fulcanelli in order to have a good explanation of this ship and of the cubic stone in it.
We see the Remora and the Salamander, Mercury and Sulphur, ready to meet and fight in the Philosopher's Sea.
The ship is like a bird, the flag is black, and the moon crescent is on the sail, a sail is used to capture the wind, or here, the spiritus, the Mercury, maybe coming from the South Star, a celestial representation of the Salamander (south pole, hot nature) and the north Star or polaris, celestial representation of the Remora, the cold nature.
Second Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
These Mars/Antimony conjunction seems to mimic the shape of a boat, a logical thing since they float on a sea.
FAIRE (doing) or Fer in french, mean IRON, and the lowest inner part of the circle contains vertical lines, maybe meaning it is "masculine", horizontal lines are in the TAIRE (stay silent, make silent) or TERRE, (earth in french). This is a conjunction, a marriage of two polarities into one, this is the REBIS allegory.
Put the FAIRE TAIRE upside down and you can see Venus and Mars, this is more explicit in this sense.
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
Maybe the black moon crescent in the TAIRE indicates the next colour coming. I don't know what is this grey triangle in the FAIRE.
First Picture of L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et ses Voyages by Eugene Canseliet
Copyright, Fata Morgana 1983.
The symbols of Antimony and of Bismuth on the top.
Another symbol of bismuth is a "taurus" symbol, like this rock and crescent moon under it design.
A rod, perforate the rock, see the idea of the fountain and the Staff of Mose.
Note these three are in the "air".
On the right, a source coming out of the air, a spring, this is the Philosophical Mercury, it also seems to come from the conjunction of the sky and the earth, making a "black spot" from where it spring and go on the ground, in the ground via another hole, and out of the image.
Note the rising sun, under the moon.
A fire on the left, near a nail. The hammer is the power of the Fire. The top right side concerns WATERs, and the left top side, concerns FIREs.
An enormous symbol of venus hathed stars (mercury), and growing like a tree on a philosophic earth, surely nurturing itself from a philosophical sea, itself containg the Remora, this fish perforated of several arrows of martial/sunny (Sulfur) energy, it will be captured and surely put into the egg.
This part is not linear and is not a logical description of the process in my opinion. These are just peices of the Magnum Opus in disorder put together.
The symbol of niter and of the double mercury (maybe).
Crystals on the left side of the egg/venus symbol, can represent one of the multiple aspect of the fixation of the Spirit into the matter, on the other side, a cube, from where sprout something, directing to the double moon symbol.
I must admit that without the keys, it is very difficult to read something in this drawing.
August 03, 2010
Tinctures and inner cleansing.
I wanted to say something IMPORTANT about the metallic tinctures (and all the other in fact). For example, after the intake of a tincture of Venus (copper), I had a dream where an egg, then a caterpillar, a chrysalis, and a butterfly where going out of one side of my chest - where the heat is.
The night, after two intakes of a nacre/shells tincture (1/4 of drop in the morning, and half of a drop in the evening) I dreamt that i was on a beach, and I was walking in the sand, where crabs where buried, once disturbed, they ran to the sea, I was also opening a shell and from where a very disgusting "alien" style (you know, these babies alien in the film ...) going out of it and returning to the sea. The other dreams where about boats, sea, sea salt and sal gemmae etc... all linked to sea in some form.
What does it mean ? That a tincture extracted from a material will be signed of the environment from where it comes and from the energies that it carries within. Air and earth for Venus and sea (water) for Nacre.
It means it is important when we begin alchemy to have several tinctures coming from different elements, in order to make a selective, but global purification of the bodies. Fire, Air, Water, Earth are the basics. But also from different realms, like vegetal and animal, salts and minerals, gems, metals. The idea is to cover the whole system of zodiac and planets also. The initiated one can enhance the power of a tincture by a condensation of energy in it, by mantras, prayers, rituals, force condensation (Bardon's way) etc, only if he knows what kind of energy it is, otherwise he can charge it with Universal Life Force (Golden Light). It's not required, but it's simply more effective. Sometime, only touching the flask of the tincture before sleeping can make dreams - and simply looking at it can even produce a kind of shamanic experience in the night by being initiated by the spirit of the plan in question (my experience was with chelidonia) ! It happens often with my products that I keep next to me.
I had a lot of experiences of this kind with different products, almost every time I can have a dream of purification, seeing spiders or snakes that I told to go out, or that I push out of some place. I ...don't like spiders, but in dreams it's not the same state, last week i pushed out a spider as big as a car with a forked stick. The important thing is to actually see them going out, if you just see them, it's not enough ! Astral parasites are of all realms, all kind, and you may not suspect it, but everybody is parasited.
I was once confronted to a weird purification, (with my gold tincture), a ball of quicksilver, with a tiny piece of gold leaf on it, was running out of my nose. Weird isn't it ? In fact it seemed that the intake of the previous day, just pushed out this poisonous metal and energy out of my body ! I also had in the dream a kind of comedo, that I opened, and thousand of transparent bacterias fall out of it with floating black spots... weird. I prefer it is out of my bodies than in ! What, with a long run effect would that produce on me ? Ageing ? Illness ? Plus an astrological condition or psychological ground or both, and these beasts can run faster.
The only tincture said to make the whole job of purification is the evolved tincture of the Phi.Stone.
Now, you can make researches in order to find a tincture or two for each sign of the zodiac, for each element, for each realm and planet. It could be wise to have the whole pattern of energies while trying to achieve the Great Work.
A note also, a lot of U.S.A practitioners use "ever clear", just know that you have to tartarize it, and distil it after, the slower possible. Just know that every distillation or circulation rises the level of energy of your mercury. With wine you have to make at least between 5 and 8 distillations, and the level of energy is far far more higher, then, your tincture do not have to be circulated very long in order to be very potent.
The night, after two intakes of a nacre/shells tincture (1/4 of drop in the morning, and half of a drop in the evening) I dreamt that i was on a beach, and I was walking in the sand, where crabs where buried, once disturbed, they ran to the sea, I was also opening a shell and from where a very disgusting "alien" style (you know, these babies alien in the film ...) going out of it and returning to the sea. The other dreams where about boats, sea, sea salt and sal gemmae etc... all linked to sea in some form.
What does it mean ? That a tincture extracted from a material will be signed of the environment from where it comes and from the energies that it carries within. Air and earth for Venus and sea (water) for Nacre.
It means it is important when we begin alchemy to have several tinctures coming from different elements, in order to make a selective, but global purification of the bodies. Fire, Air, Water, Earth are the basics. But also from different realms, like vegetal and animal, salts and minerals, gems, metals. The idea is to cover the whole system of zodiac and planets also. The initiated one can enhance the power of a tincture by a condensation of energy in it, by mantras, prayers, rituals, force condensation (Bardon's way) etc, only if he knows what kind of energy it is, otherwise he can charge it with Universal Life Force (Golden Light). It's not required, but it's simply more effective. Sometime, only touching the flask of the tincture before sleeping can make dreams - and simply looking at it can even produce a kind of shamanic experience in the night by being initiated by the spirit of the plan in question (my experience was with chelidonia) ! It happens often with my products that I keep next to me.
I had a lot of experiences of this kind with different products, almost every time I can have a dream of purification, seeing spiders or snakes that I told to go out, or that I push out of some place. I ...don't like spiders, but in dreams it's not the same state, last week i pushed out a spider as big as a car with a forked stick. The important thing is to actually see them going out, if you just see them, it's not enough ! Astral parasites are of all realms, all kind, and you may not suspect it, but everybody is parasited.
I was once confronted to a weird purification, (with my gold tincture), a ball of quicksilver, with a tiny piece of gold leaf on it, was running out of my nose. Weird isn't it ? In fact it seemed that the intake of the previous day, just pushed out this poisonous metal and energy out of my body ! I also had in the dream a kind of comedo, that I opened, and thousand of transparent bacterias fall out of it with floating black spots... weird. I prefer it is out of my bodies than in ! What, with a long run effect would that produce on me ? Ageing ? Illness ? Plus an astrological condition or psychological ground or both, and these beasts can run faster.
The only tincture said to make the whole job of purification is the evolved tincture of the Phi.Stone.
Now, you can make researches in order to find a tincture or two for each sign of the zodiac, for each element, for each realm and planet. It could be wise to have the whole pattern of energies while trying to achieve the Great Work.
A note also, a lot of U.S.A practitioners use "ever clear", just know that you have to tartarize it, and distil it after, the slower possible. Just know that every distillation or circulation rises the level of energy of your mercury. With wine you have to make at least between 5 and 8 distillations, and the level of energy is far far more higher, then, your tincture do not have to be circulated very long in order to be very potent.