Cobalt's tincture should be carefully distilled. But it cannot be condensed very much, in fact it makes a precipitation of the Sulfur, into a violet cloud (very nice to witness). So, if you make a Tincture out of Cobalt, do not extract too much of it, just extract it when needed.
Finally, here end my lab adventure with Cobalt, a very nice moment to spend with this matter. its energy is sweet, colours are inhabitual and great to see.
Now it needs to be circulated a little in order to rise the planes.
Here is a Cobalto Calcite.
We perfectly see the colour of the Soul of the Cobalt.
This is not always the case, that one can deduce the "colour" of a metal by the associated gem. Like manganese, that is of a brown/orange colour, and amethyst which is also a manganese gem, but its colour is violet. Wonders of Nature ...
Je suis Rahamim, l'auteur de "L'Or des Sages",
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