January 20, 2010


This image is from an old book of Martin Ruland, or also named Martinus Rulandus, known for ti's works about Paracelsus and also it's Lexicon of Alchemy "Lexicon Alchemiae", which you can find here : http://books.google.fr/books?id=BhIOAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA328&dq=martin+ruland&as_brr=1&ei=oX1XS-6RJpLoygTx3NTyCA&cd=4#v=onepage&q=&f=false

Looks like a mix of alchemical symbols, Greek alphabet, and seals of entities from old spellbook.
For example, the X like, can be seen like "10" or an A for the Hebrew letter Aleph, also the sign of crucibulum, crucible, X is also for Talc.
The neptune symbol is generaly used to design a calx of metal.
This triangle can be a special sigil in order to bless or protect the reader, the book, the author maybe. The presence of Saturn and Mercury sigils are maybe showing an astrological or alchemical significance.

Any idea is welcome, but do not storm your brain ... :)

Hello everyone !

Is it another blog about mysterious stuff in a jungle of blogs ? Maybe. I do not pretend being very talky, quantity have not my favours, I prefer nice little things than big messy. Quality before quantity of course, and it is even more true concerning the Art.

What to say more ... I study Hermetics since several years now, I as I love to share I've decided to open this little space. My native language is not english, I ask you to not take care about grammar and style. Only the message is important here.

Enjoy :)

Salazius Hermes D'Artigné.