All hail. The wondrous secret know,
Ye Blest on high, and man below,
The "Elixir of Life" above
Is the "Divine Creator’s Love."
Then why this struggle here on earth,
When soon we’ll hail a second birth,
When Life Eternal will be mine,
The Elixir, the "Love Divine"?
Hosannas now to Heaven we sing,
Our praises to the Almighty ring,
The "Elixir of Life" shall be,
The Love that God hath granted me.
Oh Holy, Righteous, Blessed Lord.
By every living thing adored,
Grant us the Elixir ye crave,
For "Love Divine" alone can save.
From the initiation ritual to the grade of Philosophus of the Societatis Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, in 1880.