April 12, 2010

I'm looking for ...

This Book :

Schlussel der Wahren Weisheit, Leipzig 1787
439 pages
by Adam friedrich Bohmen

If you have the link to a free resources giving it, or a pdf, email me, or post a commentary please, I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you :)


Anonymous said...

I have that book Salazius. Do you still need it?

True Puffer

.: Salazius Hermès D'Artigné :. said...

Hello True Puffer !

You resources are amazing !

Well, if you don't mind, I'd be glad to have it in pdf (if you have it under this format, otherwise don't bother for me, since I don't read yet german - learning slowly though). :)

Take care

Anonymous said...

Go to City of Pyramids and check PM.
