December 18, 2018

Manuscrit Italien


Anonymous said...

This is a perfect description of the colors , but i have a question. It is necessary to addmercury to change color bye color, or only once?

.: Salazius Hermès D'Artigné :. said...

Dear Anonymous,

Some ancients texts like Flamel (Livre des Laveurs)or ICH (True old path of Hermes) seems to accredit the fact of "adding mercury" several times to get the colours. But some seems to say the contrary (Morien, Khalid for example).

I'm of the second opinion;

Take care,

JDP said...

What library has this Italian manuscript? Is it the Wellcome Library?

.: Salazius Hermès D'Artigné :. said...

I don't know. It's a long time ago that I have these pictures.